I surprised myself, my husband, and my mom.

I tried to make a quilt decades ago. It still isn't finished. I picked up a quilt kit maybe 6 or 7 years ago and finished it. It is so pretty. I think so anyway. Then kids moved out and I had more time. I started watching youtube of Missouri Star Quilt Company with Jenny Doan and she made quilting look so easy. I got hooked! I made a jelly-roll race quilt. I can do this! Then I just kept going. Now, I buy fabric faster than I can sew. But I will get them done, eventually.

Then I started watching longarm quilting and am amazed at the talent out there of quilters. I will get there. Right now I have the computer aided longarm and will get good at that. I have the edge to edge down, working on the block by block. I am so excited!